Search News You Can Use Subscriber content

Each week I share with subscribers information learned from my experiences with real client sites along with thoughts and insights re Google's algorithms.

This week's content (Published July 14, 2023):

  • Thoughts on some of the key dates where we have had SERP turbulence
  • Creative Uses of ChatGPT Code Interpreter for SEO
  • Extensive thoughts on using AI writing tools for SEO and content creation

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More about my newsletter

I started "Search News You Can Use" as a way to tell my friends in the SEO industry when Google's Panda or Penguin algorithms had an update. They did not announce most of them for many years!

Over the years as my knowledge and obsession over understanding Google grew, I shared more and more info. Today, if there is something that is important to your job as an SEO, it is in my newsletter. Some subscribers who pay $18 per month for the extra content have been with me for over 10 years. 

I am most excited about the new section of my site reviews in which I speculate about how upcoming AI changes are likely to impact a site and its industry. I'll be sharing more on this in future episodes.

If you're considering and have any questions, shoot me a message on Twitter.
