I’m making a bunch of videos to help share my thoughts on looking at search results from the perspective of a searcher alongside our knowledge of how Google’s search systems work.

There are two ways you can have me make a video for your site:

1) Put yourself in the shoes of a searcher YouTube video

Share with me a few keywords you want to be found for and I’ll shoot a video analyzing how those SERPS have changed in relation to Google’s updates. We’ll look at how the sites shown meet searcher intent. Most importantly I’ll give you a bunch of ideas for improving your content and reputation for your topics so that you are more likely to be recommended by the Librarian!

Book Now $400

I’ve discounted the price of this video in exchange for permission to post it on YouTube. 

2) Private option

Prefer not to share publicly? Choose this option.

Book Now $800

Alternatively, you can brainstorm with me.
Once you’ve booked, use this form to tell me more about your site.
Looking forward to digging in for you!

Book your Shoes of a Searcher video from Marie

What are some keywords and pages that are important to you? Is there anything specific you'd like me to cover in this video?