Next office hours with Marie

Wednesday April 19, 11 am EST

Topic: March Core Update and April Reviews Update drops.

This meeting will be recorded and transcribed and available for other subscribers to watch.

Available for all paid newsletter subscribers. If you’re a member, you can log in and click this link to book your seat on the member’s page or view past recorded office hours.

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Previous office hours

If you are a paid member, log in and go to the subscriber version of this page to view these videos.

March 22, 2023

Members and I discuss strategies for recovering from a core update by analyzing and improving content. We share experiences and tips, such as placing helpful information at the top of articles, using ChatGPT to identify interesting reader feedback, and understanding search intent.

March 1, 2023

Our first office hours! We discussed AI chat and how it is likely to affect websites, the link spam update, the helpful content system, optimizing content with ChatGPT and so much more.