How I used ChatGPT this week, ChatGPT API is live, good SEO tips - Episode 276- Light version (March 3, 2023)

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Last week’s episode (275)   See all episodes

In this episode

  • The Product Reviews update is ongoing and impactful
  • Some saw featured snippets totally disappear this week
  • GSC Bulk data exports available to everyone
  • Important for Local

In the full version:

  • More of Marie’s thoughts on the Helpful Content System
  • The latest News on Bard, Bing AI chat and Chat GPT
  • Gary Illyes from Pubcon on the Helpful Content System, Authorship, Links not being as important as SEO’s think and more (along with Marie’s thoughts).
  • Case study: Why did this site have increasing rankings but decreasing traffic
  • The best SEO Tips and interesting news I’ve curated from Twitter
  • How I’m using ChatGPT to better help my customers
  • Full video recording of community office hours discussing the latest in search

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Important to know this week

1) Product reviews update is still rolling out - lots of turbulence


The update started rolling out on February 21 and is still continuing. I have not yet analyzed this update, but just took a quick look and can see several sites in my GA profiles with changes that start before that date. Here is one nice one:

site doing well with Feb product reviews update

I’ll dig more deeply into sites affected once the update is completed.

If impacted, play close attention to both Google’s advice on Product Reviews and creating helpful content. Know that each question asked in these documents is not likely weighted equally. If you can figure out what Google started rewarding for your queries, you can see which of these questions perhaps they are doing a better job at than you are.

Some thoughts on the helpful content system

If your traffic is down lately, there is a good chance it is related to Google’s helpful content system.

According to Lily Ray, the impact of the Helpful Content system update and what she calls the (un)helpful content classifier has been significant, resulting in sitewide ranking demotions for some websites that offer low value and unhelpful content. She suggests that businesses need to plan and strategize around helpful content, prioritize content quality and E-A-T, and invest in authors’ online reputation and build out their knowledge graphs to prepare for upcoming Google updates to ranking systems.

2) Some saw featured snippets totally disappear this week

They did come back though.

There was also a drop in People Also Ask boxes:

Is Google perhaps preparing the SERPs for Bard?

3) GSC Bulk data exports are now available to everyone



New SERP feature showing Explore?

Google has updated their definition of “personal information”

Tip: Encourage your clients to add photos to their reviews

More tips for local business photo use

Can you post similar Google posts across multiple locations?

Other interesting local news


Marie's News


Next week my goal is to get the traffic drop assessment section of my course online. We’ll see how far I get. It all depends on how interesting Google is.


This is coming! There are several ways this may play out. I will share more soon.

Office Hours 

I thoroughly enjoyed our discussion (in a video above) this week. I will do another within the next few weeks.


I have closed my consulting calendar for now.

If you need SEO consulting, here are a few options:

  • Sign up for my waiting list when I start doing site reviews again.
  • Contact me for a recommendation to a professional. (Please know I’m only in email 1-2 times per week now so there may be a bit of a delay in my response.)

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In the full version:

  • More of Marie’s thoughts on the Helpful Content System
  • The latest News on Bard, Bing AI chat and Chat GPT
  • Gary Illyes from Pubcon on the Helpful Content System, Authorship, Links not being as important as SEO’s think and more (along with Marie’s thoughts).
  • Case study: Why did this site have increasing rankings but decreasing traffic
  • The best SEO Tips and interesting news I’ve curated from Twitter
  • How I’m using ChatGPT to better help my customers
  • Full video recording of community office hours discussing the latest in search – it’s so good.

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Everything I've found interesting this week. Unsubscribe any time. Powered by ConvertKit

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