Ep. 213 - Dec. 9 2021 - Light Version

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In this episode, we discuss what we’ve seen with the recent algorithm updates, websites not able to get new content indexed, new MHC content on Google core updates, podcast returns, what you need to know about redirects, more on reviews and some great readings!

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The following topics are covered in the premium version of this episode:

  • Marie’s thoughts on the November core and product review updates
  • Many sites are having problems getting new content indexed
  • New mobile carousel shows some search results in the language of the region the searcher is in
  • Ask Googlebot: What you need to know about redirects
  • How to rank well — listen to your audience’s needs
  • Some great observations on reviews
  • Good tip for showcasing E-A-T
  • Do this one quick thing to avoid a bad review
  • Get your GSC data in a Chrome extension
  • Be alerted when a new page gets indexed
  • Our tl;dr summary of some awesome recent SEO articles
You’ll also have access to all past episodes, including this one.

News about Google’s Algorithms

Well, it has been quite a week as the December product review update has rolled out in organic search! As Barry notes in his write up, the weather tools have been off the charts for a few days now, suggesting a lot of SERP volatility throughout the rollout.

Some SEOs are reporting seeing significant changes, which for some niches appear to be more significant than the shifts that happened when the algorithm was first rolled out in April of this year.

It is worth noting that not all affiliate content should be considered review content, which is important to keep in mind when assessing this update.

Moreover, as Lily Ray reminds us, volatility in the SERP with a product review focused update can still cause other types of sites to see movement.

Premium members will access what MHC is seeing with the sites we monitor. Here we discuss what the community is seeing. 

Lily has provided us with a lot of early observations based on Sistrix data. One theme Lily notes is that some traditional review and comparison sites were surpassed in the rankings by the business or organization they are reviewing.

This includes a drop in visibility for some sites with “best” in their domain names.

There have also been some SERP changes suggesting that Google has adjusted to a possible shift in query intent by showing transactional content over review content. 

Lily also shared some interesting top-level data of review sites and affiliate sites that have been impacted by this update:

Glenn Gabe is reporting a lot of change in the sites he monitors, noting that a number of sites that saw impacts with the first product review update (PRU) in April are seeing further impacts (both positive and negative).

Interestingly, Glenn saw a lot of the movements continue in the same direction over the weekend as the update rolled out. This is in line with the volatility we are witnessing in the weather tools.


100 things to know about Google core updates

The past few weeks, our team has worked hard to deliver content to help you learn more about Google core updates. We’re so excited to release our 100 things to know about Google core updates video and blog post very soon. It includes 100 of Marie’s personal tips and actionable advice to help you recover, understand, and learn from a Google core update. Stay tuned! 

MHC Announcements

Marie is back from extended time off

Hello newsletter subscribers, MHC clients and industry friends! I (Marie) wanted to thank you for your patience in allowing me to take some extended time off this summer. I spent time gardening, playing Fortnite, and focusing on improving my health. In September, feeling good and ready to jump back into work, I booked an Airbnb in a cabin in the woods of rural Quebec. My goal was to spend a few days reflecting on what I had learned this summer, unplug and relax. Instead, this happened:

My night in the woods followed by a few days in the wood cabin were life changing – for the better! Being faced with the anxiety of being trapped in the woods overnight with no cell signal pushed me to learn how to calm my fears and meditate. Meditation was something I had intended to investigate during my week at the cabin. I’ll share a few more details in my podcast episode out this week for those who are interested.

The MHC team has done an incredible job at pulling together and growing and improving the business in my absence. We now have 12 team members, including myself, who have the skills to identify and advise on improvements in website quality issues, whether they are related to technical SEO, E-A-T, or any other area that we can find to improve site quality. Our content and marketing lead, Summar, has been keeping you informed on everything happening at MHC and across the industry with our newsletter each week while I’ve been away. Andrew, our internal development lead, has been integral in driving our business forward by keeping our team rowing in unison toward our key business goals.

We’re also soon ready to launch some exciting new offerings for MHC’s clients including more detailed, specific analysis of traffic drops, more specific competitor page comparisons, and custom advice to help you improve your entity information. Additionally, we have openings now for a few more ongoing clients. If you have been interested in working with my team and I in a deeper capacity than just a site review, please do reach out.

I am so excited about the things we have planned for 2022! 


Podcast is back!

We are so excited to have a podcast episode this week. We’ll be getting back into the rhythm by sharing an episode biweekly. Marie can’t wait to share her thoughts on the latest SEO chatter with you. If you want a refresher, get caught up on our episodes here


This week’s to watch

This week’s marketer to watch is Claire Carlile. If you do any work in the local SEO space, she’s an absolute must follow on Twitter. In addition to offering freelance SEO and local SEO services, Claire is also a frequent speaker at conferences, a Local Search Expert at BrightLocal, and a faculty member at LocalU. She’s an absolute wealth of knowledge! In fact, Claire’s Guide to UTM Tagging for Google Business Profile (formerly GMB) is one of our favourite pieces of content we saw this year!

Google Announcements

Google News is looking a whole lot different 

Searching for Google News on desktop will now present an updated look and feel for users across the globe. Google says the new structure is aimed at improved organization, relevancy, and structure. This will also allow for more room to be dedicated to quality content from a wider range of sources. 

Local SEO - Google SERP Changes

Local healthcare businesses can now edit a few new things

Providing users with accurate and helpful information on COVID-19 has been one of Google’s priorities since the start of the recent pandemic. With a recent implementation, Google is now allowing healthcare businesses to add COVID-19 related information to their GBP (formerly known as GMB). Previously, business owners had to use a third-party service to add similar information to their profile.  

These businesses’ owners can let users know if they offer COVID-19 testing, if appointments are required for testing and even if they offer drive-thru services. 

Recommended Reading

6 tactics to rank better in Google Discover – George Nguyen
November 23, 2021

While there are no ways to create content explicitly to rank for Google Discover, there certainly are ways to increase your chances of ranking in Discover within your content and on your site. George Nguyen provides some great tips for ranking better in Google Discover in a recent article over at Search Engine Land.


Search intent: a guide to implement it in your SEO strategy – Lidia Infante
November 30, 2021

Implementing search intent into your SEO strategy can be a daunting task. But Lidia reminds us that getting started can be as easy as looking at the SERPs to see what Google currently thinks is satisfying user intent. A great starting point is to analyze the top three results and ensure you’re doing a better job than them. Read her article for more!

Want More?

Premium members also get the following:

It’s well worth the $18 per month!

The following topics are covered in the premium version of this episode:

  • Marie’s thoughts on the November core and product review updates
  • Many sites are having problems getting new content indexed
  • New mobile carousel shows some search results in the language of the region the searcher is in
  • Ask Googlebot: What you need to know about redirects
  • How to rank well — listen to your audience’s needs
  • Some great observations on reviews
  • Good tip for showcasing E-A-T
  • Do this one quick thing to avoid a bad review
  • Get your GSC data in a Chrome extension
  • Be alerted when a new page gets indexed
  • Our tl;dr summary of some awesome recent SEO articles
You’ll also have access to all past episodes, including this one.

Note: If you are seeing the light version and you are a premium member, be sure to log in (in the sidebar on desktop or below the post on mobile) and read the full article here.


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