Marie Haynes' Newsletter

I send out regular emails on super interesting things regarding Google’s Search algorithms.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed writing on everything about Search and also, AI for the last decade. I’ve decided to take newsletter a new direction. Really, the world is headed in a new direction! There is so much change in our future and I expect I’m not alone in not really knowing where to focus my attention and what to do next and where to focus my excitement!

Instead of a rigid weekly schedule reporting on everything, for now, I’ll be sending out updates on things I’m learning. Right now, I’m digging into the Google API Docs, which are loaded with attributes related to ranking.I’ll be writing blog posts on this, and will send them out in newsletter.

You can use the form above to get these updates or better yet, use this link to Join the free area of the Search Bar. The important SEO news is in there and you can choose to get notified or receive emails.  I have big plans for the Search Bar private community. I believe it will become a place where we all learn more as AI changes the world. And eventually, it could be a place where those who have an understanding of AI plus your topics can offer consulting and find employment. We are going to start to work together to become a network of people who understand the online world.

My paid newsletter is now Marie’s Notes

  • My notes and added thoughts on the things that happened this week that are important to Search and understanding Google’s algorithms
  • Notes on things I find interesting about recent AI stories
  • Thoughts on the future
  • My notes on videos I watch and things I read to learn about AI.

Read or sign up for Marie’s NotesPast Episodes (for paid subscribers)

For $18/m you get access to my Google doc of notes each week, plus I’ll send you an email regularly with a summary of these notes. Eventually I hope that these notes can be used in a helpful AI tool (perhaps via NotebookLM? We will see.)

Sample episode

Another sample episode

Thank you for understanding! I’m so excited about too many things. I do miss publishing newsletter, but wow, not doing so has freed up so much time for me to do more to help the so many people I know who are struggling as we go through this time of change. Businesses will soon have much need for people who understand both AI and how the online world operates. If you’ve got time, check out this report from Google that talks about how our economy and world are likely to change because of generative AI. It’s got some stuff about job loss, but overall the future is bright for those who understand AI.

I’ll share more soon on my workbook and courses to help us learn how to do SEO in the Gemini Era. And also, here is my podcast. Once the course is out, I’ll be sharing loads of current news in here!


Subscribe to Marie's Notes

Subscribe to Marie’s Notes


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Become a Search Bar Pro member

(includes paid newsletter, community, chat with members, regular posts and insight from me as I learn, and more to come.)


(Or Free by becoming a Search Bar Topic Enthusiast – see below.)

Here’s info for long time subscribers who have not yet switched to the Search Bar.

Get access to my notes for $18/month Join the Search Bar Pro Community $42 / m